Handicapped people in 10 ASEAN nations victims Against Drunk Driving

27 พฤษภาคม 58 / อ่าน : 3,212

Handicapped people in 10 ASEAN nations establish the ASEAN victims Against Drunk Driving (VADD) network.

The president of the ASEAN victims Against Drunk Driving (VADD) network, Mr. Pattarapan Kritsana, reveals that

In late 2015, Thailand will become the member of The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). One of the collaborations between the 10 ASEAN nations Is the economic integration among the member countries, facilitating the trades and developing transportation systems to ease the commute of the population within the AEC. Therefore, Thailand and other ASEAN members must keep a close watch on the road accident which is of great concern.

It is a welcoming news that the representatives from the ASEAN nations including Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia,  Vietnam, Brunei, Singapore, Myanmar, Philippines, and Indonesia visit Thailand to establish the ASEAN victims Against Drunk Driving (VADD) network.

There will be a meeting to exchange experiences of the accident problems and solutions within each country in the ASEAN. The participating countries will sign the memorandum to establish the VADD in order to create awareness and reduce cars accident among the 680 million people in the ASEAN. The president of the VADD also explain that

This memorandum will benefit Thailand, 9 other ASEAN members as it is believed that the economic growth in ASEAN nations will be rapid within the decade. Consequently, the accident is one of the main concerns as it goes hand-in-hand with the tangible material growth. The causes of accidents may be drunk driving, speeding, the use of mobile device while driving, riding without the helmets and breaking the traffic regulations.

“I believe nobody would like to see the people in their countries die from the road accidents, a preventable death” Mr. Pattarapan said.



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